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Joy.Lin 发表于 2018-5-23 09:51:59 | 阅读全部
请问贵司有从中国到柬埔寨的货物要走吗,这边是诺胜国际物流有限公司厦门分公司,柬埔寨双清到门是我们公司主推的特色航线。公司在柬埔寨金边设立了分公司,可以做包税,双清等服务,目的港那边有注册,只需提供清单,发票即可,可以提供包清关、包派送服务,价格优惠,服务到位,欢迎各位询问价格。有需要可以直接加我QQ:2225929741    邮箱:market11@rosenlog.com  微信:Joy-2225929741询价,多谢~
地址:Borei Orkide #089 Street Nakri Road 2004, Sangkat Obek Khhom, Khan Sensok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

诺胜国际物流是由中国国家商务部批准成立的国家一级货运代理企业(3502000837),交通部批准的无船承运人(NVOCC:MOC-NV 06229),我们的总部设于美丽的滨海城市厦门,创立以来,坚持以"仁德为本,诺胜必达"的经营理念作为企业一切经营活动的基本准则,视为公司的立企之本。诺胜国际物流以国际海运和空运代理为主,集运输、报关、仓储、配送于一体,秉承多年物流业操作经验和标准化的业务流程,凭借强大的服务网络以及与众多国际性航运公司的良好合作关系,承接面向全球的进出口贸易及非贸易货物海运、空运业务,为您提供全方位物流业务。我们可以为客户提供经济可行且有效率的解决方案,整合有限的资源做最有效的运用,降低企业营运成本,提升竞争力,提供客户个性化的完整物流服务,满足客户JUST IN TIME的物流与库存需求,协助客户在激烈竞争的微利时代胜出。如果您有相关的物流需求,您可以询问对比下。我们会努力提供性价比的价格和优质的服务。


Rosen International Logistics is a national first-class freight forwarding company approved by Ministry of Commerce of the PRC. The NVOCC was authorized by Ministry of Transportation(NVOCC:MOC-NV 06229).Our Headquarters is located in the beautiful coastal city, Xiamen.
The company stands out for the management philosophies“. Based on benevolence and sincerity, Rosen can go anywhere” and regards it as the basic maxim of all operation activities and as the foundation on which we build our company since its inception.
Rosen Logistics is an international ocean and air freight forwarding agency, encompassing services of transportation, customs declaration, warehousing and distribution.

Acting on years’ logistics industry operating experience and standardized business process, Rosen Logistics provide global services for import and export trade and nontrade cargo shipping and air services with a strong network of services and good cooperation and mutual development with many international shipping companies. We provide total logistics services.
The enthusiastic, professional and dynamic team in Rosen will analyze, plan and integrate all kinds of logistics services for customers and offer the custom fitting with the most economical and effective solution.
We are working to bring about integration in the limited resources for the most effective use to reduce the operation costs and improve our competitiveness in the market. In this way, we are bound to meet the customers’ needs of just-in-time logistics and inventory and assist the customers in coming out on top of the fierce competitive era of low profit.

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