khmer 发表于:2011-4-7 11:35:30 复制链接 发表新帖


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柬埔寨外交部上个月发布声明:从声明发布之日起,凡年过50周岁或者月收入低于$2550的外籍男子将禁止和柬埔寨籍女子结婚。“我们希望婚姻双方看起来会比较般配些”而不是“看起来像祖父和孙女结婚似的。”外交部发言人Koy Kuong在接受英语类报纸金边邮报时如是说。年过五旬的外籍男子即便和他们同龄甚至年长的柬埔寨籍妇女结婚也是禁止的。孤独贫苦的外籍妇女也许会被另一个矛盾的政策所鼓舞:她们仍可以喝柬埔寨籍男子结婚。

But rights groups say the new ban is an ineffective—and potentially illegal—solution to ongoing concerns about the welfare of Cambodian women. For one, the ban doesn’t apply to couples who are married overseas, which limits its ability to prevent marriages brokered by human traffickers. And the salary floor, which the foreign ministry says is intended to guarantee Cambodian women a decent standard of living, prevents the vast majority of foreigners working here—including university teachers, NGO staff and journalists—from tying the knot with local women, unless they do so overseas. (As a point of reference: the average Cambodian male earns less than $100 per month. Even in the capital, Phnom Penh, where housing and merchandise is relatively costly, a monthly salary of several hundred dollars buys what is considered a middle-class existence.)
The foreign ministry insists that its marriage directive is legally binding even though it did not pass through parliament. But the directive violates the right of consenting adults to marry and it undermines the country’s legal system by circumventing the proper legislative channels, said Mu Sochua, an opposition parliamentarian who used to serve as the minister of women’s affairs.
        外交部坚持说该禁令是有法律效力的,实际上国会并未通过。曾任妇女事务部门部长的反对党议员Mu Sochua认为,禁令不仅侵犯了成人的婚姻自由,还使得正常立法渠道失灵,破坏了国家法律体系。
Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said the directive falls in line with similar, misguided steps by the government to “police culture” in the name of promoting a better society. The same groups that find fault in the government’s meddling with marriage note that police have recently taken to enforcing a ban on prostitution by conducting violent raids against street-based sex workers, in some cases resorting to rape as a means of intimidation. Other government officials have concerned themselves with confiscating magazines with marginally racy photos and blocking access to a single website of erotic Cambodian-style artwork. Not that there isn’t plenty of work for them to do. “If they want to protect Cambodian women from abuse, then they should address the corrupt officials taking bribes who allow the trafficking rings to thrive,” said Ou.
       柬埔寨人权中心主席Ou Virak认为该法令的同意以及政府的错误颁布与以促进社会进步为名的“警察文化”有异曲同工之妙。给政府挑错的这一人权组织同时发现,警察最近针对卖淫出台了一项禁令,将使用暴力严惩街头性工作者,有时候作为一种强迫手段会诉诸于强奸她们!另一些政府官员则更关注没收有艳照的杂志和阻止民众进入柬埔寨风格的黄网。“如果他们想解救妇女于倒悬,他们应该处置那些给人口贩子提供生存空间的受贿官员。”Ou说。
Pung Chhiv Kek, the president of a local rights groups called Licadho, agrees that that actual abuses against Cambodian women deserve more attention from officials but she and emphasises that their efforts should be directed more effectively. Licadho and other NGOs try to highlight the systemic problems that plague the handling of rape cases in Cambodia. As Amnesty International reported last year, police frequently accept bribes from rapists, including those who abuse children, in exchange for ignoring a victim’s complaint or forcing an out-of-court settlement. Likewise a draft law that was intended to curb acid attacks, of which women are typically targets, has languished in government committees for a year. It’s not that laws against rape and other violence against women do not exist. But it can seem that the excitement about censorship and May-December marriages has a way of distracting the responsible agencies. “If the government wants to protect women, then it is better to strengthen the implementation of [these] laws,” Ms Pung says. “Regulating morality is not an effective way to protect women.”
       当地人权组织Licadho主席Pung Chhiv Kek也赞同妇女权利受到侵犯应该受到不仅仅是她在内的所有官员的足够重视和关注,同时强调说他们的措施应该更有效些。Licadho和其他NGOs试图突出这个使得柬埔寨的强奸案让人头疼的体制问题。根据国际特赦组织去年的报告,警察经常接受强奸犯的贿赂(包括那些猥亵儿童的犯人)而不是听取受害者的投诉或者促使庭外和解。这个以妇女为“保护目标”的性侵犯法律草案在政府国会也并未通过。因为它并非一项针对强奸的法令,其他侵害妇女的暴力犯罪并不在内。但是似乎审查制度兴奋期的缘故,在五月到十二月结婚能分散那些负责任机构的注意力。“如果政府想维护妇女权利,那么更好的办法是加强法律的实施力度,”Pung说,“道德调整不是一条有效途径。”
In recent years Cambodia has been seeking increased investment from foreign countries while at the same time railing against the presence of outside influences. Last year the government warned foreign embassies and NGOs against raising criticisms against the country’s internal affairs. “Cambodia is not a BANANA REPUBLIC,” the foreign ministry said in a letter issued to embassies. “We cannot accept any negative criticism,” foreign ministry spokesman Koy Kuong added at the time, revealing no sense of humour to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. The government even threatened to expel the UN’s country director and head of its human-rights office head after they urged it to allow more input from civil society and donors.
        柬埔寨近几年从国外获得越来越多的投资,但是同时抱怨之声也不绝于耳。去年政府提醒外国大使馆和NGOs不要热衷于插手其内部事务。“柬埔寨不是香蕉共和国."外交部在照会外国大使的信中说。”我们不接受任何负面的批评。“外交部发言人Koy Kuong还补充说,看来他们对德新社毫无幽默感。政府甚至还以驱逐来威胁联合国地区负责人,人权办公室负责人则敦促他们从文明社会接受更多的捐赠和进口。
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